Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How was your semester?

TPTE 486 has been a wild ride. Throughout this semester I've discovered new tools and software that will aide me in future expeditions into the technological wild, while developing pre-existing knowledge and skills along the way. I feel that this class content has prepared me for organizing thoughts and information as well as creating a comprehensive, professional portfolio for future employers to oogle at. I enjoyed the projects, and oddly enough, kind of enjoyed blogging about them, too.

Here are some highlights from my favorites:

Here's one of my favorite photos from the digital scavenger hunt project. It's an "edge".

This artist's work was found at http://www.thefeejeemermaid.com/ as part of the photo collection assignment. Needless to say, his sculptures and process are worth a second look. Go for it, you know you're curious.

This is Tormented Bull by Hans Hoffman. Pretty cool painting incorporated into my Abstract Expressionism INSPIRATION project.

Alberto Giacometti. Nuff said.

All in all, this class was a lot of fun and super helpful in enhancing our technological repretoire in an advancingly technological world. I hope that I will be able to apply the skills I have acquired in my future art classroom.

thank you, and goodnight.


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